Control and measuring points (TRC)

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What are Instrumentation Points (TRC)?

The control and measuring point is installed on oil, gas, water pipes and other metal structures located underground. The power and measurement circuits of ECP facilities are switched in the instrumentation. The equipment monitors the parameters of electrochemical protection. For this, devices for diagnostics of protected metal underground structures are connected to it. Also, with the help of racks, adjust the parameters and designate pipeline routes. Racks make it possible for control meters to control the difference and polarization potentials of structures located below the surface of the ground.

If you need instrumentation in Perm, ECP-Center offers to buy a control point: equipment prices depend on the characteristics of the chosen model.


Are subdivided into devices of the hidden and ground installation, are located outside the city and in the city.

The ground version consists of:

  • counters
  • Signal cap
  • terminal board with cover
  • windows for cable entry
  • Anchor.

    To expand the functions, they are equipped with a number of devices and devices. This also affects the prices of the checkpoint.

    • Joint protection blocks — for the organization of joint ECP facilities located close to each other, and to eliminate the harmful influence of neighboring structures.
    • Earthing protective blocks — to protect against the corrosive effect of power transmission line fields that are adjacent to or intersecting the protected structure, and for lightning protection
    • Anode, protector, and jumper earthing control blocks for switching and monitoring the operation of the above devices and electrical connections
    • Devices for diversion of alternating current of pipelines.
    • High-elevation roof — for visual monitoring of pipeline routes from a height. On the CWO, according to customer requirements, kilometers or other data are marked.
    • Mounting fixtures in low-bearing soils
    • Potential measurement points — for accuracy of potential measurements by designating the location of the reference electrode
    • Information boards or signposts.

      To refine the current prices for control and measuring points (KPI) and to issue an application, you can call 8-800-250-11-83 or by sending a request to the mail .

Доставка в Баку

Если Вы хотите купить Control and measuring points (TRC) в Баку, сделайте заявку на сайте, заполнив короткую форму заявки. Наши менеджеры свяжутся с Вами в течении часа.

Если у Вас остались вопросы, Вы можете написать нам на адрес эл.почты или обратиться к онлайн-менеджеру – связаться с ним можно через чат-бот, который находится в левом нижнем углу